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Volunteers are an important part of the A Giving Spirit Foundation mission to give moms in our community some relief from the financial stress and burden that comes with a debilitating disease.

How can you help?

There are lots of ways to support A Giving Spirit Foundation. Contact us today about volunteering as a group, an individual, to head up a donation drive, and more. Have other ideas or ways to help? Let us know!

Volunteer Groups

Contact us and we'll match your group with a project that meets your volunteer priorities and our most pressing needs.

Committee Chair

Want to head up a special project without a long term commitment? We'd love your help to accomplish a short term goal from our AGSF action log!

Event Volunteer

Have a few hours to help out at an event? Volunteering at AGSF events is fun and rewarding and it's also a great way for your teen to get the service hours they need!

Donation Drives

The more funds we receive the more moms AGSF can help with our grants. Your group or family can make a big difference with your own donation drive!

Teen Council

The AGSF Teen Council is made up of teens in 8th - 12th grade. It's fun way to make friends and make a difference in our community through service projects and fundraising events Plus it helps ensure your teen gets in service hours!  

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